Accelerate Sex In Long-Term Relationships

The longer a relationship goes on, the fewer sexual experiences. By the time you realize it, your relationship is on the rocks. Fortunately, some couples are able to save their relationships by making changes in their sex lives. Of course, it will not be easy, but still possible. However, this will only work if both individuals are on board. Otherwise, you may as well throw in the towel sooner than later. With both individuals on board, you need to focus on ways that can accelerate your sex life. If you do not have a clue where to start, you can start with the tips provided in the article below.

Make Sex A Priority

This is where a lot of couples in long-term relationships go wrong. They fail to prioritize their sex lives. Instead, they focus solely on other aspects of their relationship. While these aspects are important, they are probably not as important as sex. Well, at least that is how some couples feel about it.

Prioritizing sex is generally not that difficult. All you need to do is schedule it in, even when you are busy. Believe it or not, prioritizing sex is not just about intimacy. It is also about showing your partner you care. This says a lot about someone who takes time out of their busy schedule to have sex with their partner. This says you are everything to me, without you I would be nothing.

Invest In Sex Toys

Incorporating dildos, vibrating underwear, cock cages, strap-ons, anal beads, clitoris suckers, and butt plugs is a great way to accelerate sex. Most cities have brick-and-mortar adult stores, with a decent selection of sex toys. Pick up a few on your way home before you and your partner are scheduled to have sexual relations.

There is no better way to enhance a climax than with sex toys. If you ask some couples, they will tell you sex toys are about much more than climatic enhancement. They can also speak volumes about your sexual desires and needs.

Hold Off Ejaculation

Putting ejaculation on delay as long as possible is a great way to extend your sexual relations. It is a fact many couples in long-term relationships stop their sex sessions almost immediately after release. Building up your sexual desire will ensure a massive orgasm in the end. 

Sex experts recommend couples partake in the try not to cum challenge. This will not only test your control but also your endurance. If anyone tells you this is an easy, breezy challenge, you should not listen because it will take everything in you to defeat the inevitable. 

If you need help, you can always utilize try not to cum porn. This type of pornography discourages men from ejaculating prematurely. If you can try not to cum, your sexual relations will last longer. It will give you plenty of time to please your partner. 

Try New A New Sex Position Each Session

There is nothing more exciting than just knowing you are going to have intimacy with the love of your life. The better your sex life becomes, the more difficult it will be to stay focused. Even when you are at work or school, your mind will be distracted, not in a bad way. 

Couples who have children, full-time jobs, and other responsibilities are forced to limit their sex sessions to a few hours no more than three times a week. For many long-time couples, this is sufficient, with so many other things going on in their lives. 

Incorporate a new sex position – doggy-style, saddling, speedbump, cowgirl, and the magic bullet – into each sex session. 

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